Friday, November 8, 2013


We are well underway into the school year. One thing that I've been noticing a lot since I've started working here is how things have been changing. I've changed my seating arrangement in my classroom a few different times this year already and there has been an overwhelming response of how many students don't like change. I know that we all get into our routines and like the structure, but sometimes change isn't a bad thing. It gives us the ability to see things from a different point of view. I think that it also helps us see how good/bad things were going and the ability to reflect upon those experiences. I've been reflecting a lot lately on how things are going in Algebra II. I know that there are several students who have been struggling and myself, and the other algebra teachers, are trying to make changes to help all students in algebra II. It has been quite the transition from the new curriculum and to not having a book. If at anytime a student would like to come in for extra help, not just Algebra II, I'm more than willing to answer questions. Math is a subject that isn't easily learned and needs practice to truly become a master at it. All I'm I'm asking is that the students take a step back and try to embrace that changes that are being implemented.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Chaotic Week

This was definitely my most challenging week since I've started teaching at the high school. I definitely struggled with some of my lesson plans and getting through the week, but thanks to several conversations with other teachers in the week, they helped get me through it. I can't say thank you enough to staff members that had a conversation with me this week. We talked about a variety of things from math curriculum to iPads to driving a car. These staff members let me in on some things and let me know that the observations I had and am having are totally normal. I was able to see some students in a different way this week, which was very eye opening.

I'd also like to say that this was the first time I experienced a deadline day for re-taking assessments. Holy smokes is this a process! Trying to remember when each student wanted to come, where I put the the completed tests, and recording each test is insane. I'm glad to see that so many of the students came in and completed the skill. I have had multiple students already retake the next assessment and are completed and checked off on that skill is well. I love that students are coming in so early and completing these! Keep up the hard work

I've also had several people in the building help me organize and stay organized over the past couple of weeks. Having student helpers prep things for me, clean my room, give me feedback, etc. has been outstanding. I just wanted to say thank you to all of those who have helped me this much!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Year So Far

It's hard to believe that there have already been three weeks of the school year and we are nearing the end of September already. I loved having the parents come in and get to know a little bit about our classroom and see what algebra, geometry, and college-prep math are all about. It was definitely a different experience for me and another first for me as well.

In prep-geometry this week, we took our first unit test. The students completed all of their work on area/perimeter, surface area, and volume. We will be done measuring all of these measurements for awhile and will be starting another unit tomorrow on probability and statistics. This unit will go a little bit quicker and there won't be as many formulas!

Algebra II is in the middle of the matrix unit right now. Many kids have started to master the concept of adding, subtracting, and multiplying matrices together. I know that this week has definitely been a struggle and it's not the easiest of topics to learn, but I'm so thrilled with the level of effort and patience the students have had over the past couple of days! Keep asking questions and never give up on a problem. I'd also like to say thank you to those students who have taken a proactive approach at finishing their incomplete tests and are ready to re-test. This is a huge help and really says something about the kind of person you are. Remember that the ROPES packets are due September 27 and the incomplete tests are due 2 weeks from tomorrow.

The college-prep students are still working through chapter one and are doing pretty well on the concept checks. Many of the students are showing effort on these tests of knowledge. I will be trying out some newer things in this class. I'd like to try out different teaching techniques and see if we can steer away from the book sometime throughout the semester. I tried using a "poll everywhere" today with the students to give me feedback on the class. I'd like to thank those who participated in the activity. It really gave me a better insight of where we are and where we need to be.

Outside of class, I'm figuring out the a good routine and still trying to get into my normal groove of things. After talking to a few teachers in the department, I've discovered that being able to try new things and teaching ways are okay to do! It's been a good start to the year and I'm looking forward to trying out new things with all of my classes.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

My First Week

This last week was definitely a crazy week. Everyone was excited for the start of school and could tell that many of the students were ready to get back into the swing of things. I know that being "new" to the building was a change for me and I learned a lot from this past week.

I know that the first few days were a little bit boring for the students, but from what some told me, it sounded like teachers throughout the building tried out new opening activities for the the kids. Unfortunately, I was one of those teachers who fell into the "syllabus" day being the first day of class. Since I've never had the chance experience a first day as a teacher, I wasn't sure what to plan with the students the first day so instead of trying something new, I went with what I knew. I know that a few of my colleagues in the math department went about the first week in a completely different way. Starting kids out with introducing them to a math question, giving homework the first day, having them share a lot of information with the class, etc. The next first day I have, will be different!

After talking with a few colleagues, they made me realize things that I should have done this last week in my classes as well. I need to start being more detailed in the things that I'm doing. I need to be giving more clear and concise directions, make sure that I have enough copies for everyone, and giving clear expectations of all students in my classes. I need to start modeling what I expect, how I expect work to be shown, and expect to show all students to show their Falls Pride!

Luckily, this week I was able to reflect with some teachers in the building. They have all given me some very valuable tips and have been nothing but an outstanding support system. The staff at MFHS is definitely a special one and I'm so glad to be a part of it.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


As most of the students know, we will be retesting them next week on the nine standards that have been tested throughout the course of the year. Students must work with other students, do extra problems, go on Khan Academy, ask another teacher for help, etc. before they will have the chance to retest. The students will only be given ONE chance to test their skills for their chance to become proficient. I will be staying after school a few days next week to help students if they would like extra help on a specific topic. I would advise students to start studying old material (homework, tests, notes.etc.) to prepare for next week.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Hunt

As my time at Maplewood Middle School starts to wind down, it's about that time when I start looking for a full-time teaching job. I have started my job hunt in surrounding middle and high schools. I have found that there are many openings throughout the state. I've began creating a resume, cover letters, getting letters of recommendation, as well as many other things needed to apply for a job. This has been an interesting process and I am learning a great deal about how applying for a job and how competitive the profession is as a whole.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


This upcoming weekend, I will officially be graduating college from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. I can't believe that it has been five year since I attended my first college class. It has been an absolutely crazy couple of years, especially this last year. I just want to thank those who have been there to support me and be there for the times when I needed friends the most. I have made some incredible friends over these past five years. I'm not sure where everyone will be going or even where I will be, but I wish all of those people the best of luck in the future. I also wanted to thank my family for always being there for me. My sisters have listened to so many of my teaching ideas that I'm sure they are sick of me asking if they think a lesson I have come up with would be a good idea or not. I would also like to thank my brother for always being there for me. We have had so many conversations about school and he has given me so much insight on certain events. I can't think him enough for always being there for me. Lastly, I would like to thank my parents for everything that they have done. They have given me the opportunity to start off my future in the right direction and pushed me to be the person who I am today. If it weren't for them, I would be able to say that I have officially graduated and ready to move onto the next chapter in my life.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Math Conference

This past week, I was able to attend the Green Lake Mathematics Conference in Greenlake, Wisconsin. This is an annual conference that brings presenters from around the nation to Wisconsin to present and share their ideas on mathematics in the classroom. I attended several different sessions that varied in their content. The first one I attended was one that helped integrate the use of the iPad into the classroom. The presenter gave many ideas on how to connect the students with the iPad, as well as, many different apps that they use to present their material. The session that I attended, was put on by three presenters that opened a charter school in the Waukesha School District. They have a very different teaching style then what many schools are used to. Their school is very student based that uses the STEM program as it's main basis for learning. The last session that I attended was put on by a presenter from Atlanta, Georgia that works with school districts all over the nation. The presenter gave a very in-depth look at the RTI programs that are being inserted into schools all over the country. I really enjoyed this conference and learned some new skills and techniques. It gave me a chance see other techniques and build up my knowledge on what other mathematics teachers are doing around the state and country.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


During each class period, I try to take a minute and make sure that the class can follow what I've been teaching and the material that is being covered. I try to allow the students time to reflect on everything and see if something doesn't make sense. I enjoy the feedback that the students give when they truly do or don't understand what I'm talking about. When the students provide me with this feedback, it gives me an idea of where the class is as a whole. It allows me to see if I need to take a step back and recover something or if we can proceed forward. I also really enjoy when students ask questions about how/why something happened on the board. A majority of the time, the student that asks isn't the only one in the class that has that type of question about a solution. I will try to do this more and more as we get into harder material. I hope that at anytime in the class period that a student doesn't understand, just to toss up a hand and let me know what I can clear up.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Last Nine Weeks

As many of you know, this is the final few weeks of the school year. As Mrs. Braun said, "this is the two-minute warning to show us what you know." There will be more assessments to help the students reach proficiency in more of the state standards that each student is supposed to become proficient at. I have seen improvement from many of the students over my nine weeks here and expect more of the same! If students are still struggling with some of the content/topics, please let us know what it is you are struggling with and how we can help. Another great resource to use, is Khan Academy. Go on the website and search which topic it is that you are having trouble with. Also keep doing as many problems as it takes until you fully understand HOW and WHY things happen in certain problems. Math is not easily learned by many students and takes hard work to really understand each concept. I look forward to seeing how each student progresses and finishes the rest of the school year. Keep working hard and finish strong.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Future

I know that most 7th graders haven't thought about what they would like to do after high school. I'm sure that many have thought about possible "dream" jobs or which college they would like to attend. These potential thoughts and ideas can change from day-to-day and minute-to-minute sometimes. We can't predict the future, but we can set ourselves up for what the future can hold. The key to setting up these future explorations and adventures is having a an education. As Malcolm X stated "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." As a future educator, it is my goal to help students get the tools and abilities to help be successful in the future. Take a minute to think about what you would like to do in the future. Also think about what type of schooling or education you would like to have after school.

Mention to me what which college or what your future dream job is to get a few JayBucks.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My Time Thus Far

I have been at Maplewood for about two months now and have had some time to reflect on how my experience is going so far. It's hard for me to believe that I have been here this long already. It seems like my first day was only a couple of days ago. Everyday that I come to school, I experience something new. Whether it's been rolling a giant die, tutoring after school, or having a student(s) give me feedback on what I need to improve on, I have really enjoyed all of this. I have learned a lot about all of the students and their abilities. I have also enjoyed getting to know all of the staff members at Maplewood. They have created a very positive learning environment for the students. The staff has also made me feel extremely welcome and have made my student teaching very memorable. In the classroom, I have learned a lot about the new curriculum and my teaching style. I have realized that what my teaching style is and what needs to be improved on it. Having students give me feedback on how I teach and what I need to work on has been the most valuable type of feedback for me. Whether it is good or bad, I do appreciate all of the feedback that I have been given. I have some very memorable and "teachable" moments that I have encountered and will never forget. I hope to experience more of these things after Spring break.

Monday, March 18, 2013


What motivates you to do well in school? Is it some type of reward from a parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle? Is this reward in the form of money, clothes, shoes? Or is your motivation to get good grades or are you motivated by the satisfaction you see in your work when the teacher hands back an assignment? Some people are very goal orientated and driven people to do their very best at everything they do. No matter the task, whether it is learning a math concept or building a homemade desk, these people want to put forth every ounce of effort possible. I have seen some of this motivation be increased in several students over the past few weeks at Maplewood. I have seen in specifically in those who are attempting to get all of their homework/corrections to 70%. I know that at times that this may seem like an uphill battle, but there has to be something that is motivating these students to get all of the assignments in.

It takes a lot of hard work and effort to live up to the expectations that we have set for ourselves. There might be other people in our lives that are pushing and helping us to reach these goals, but the goals can be accomplished. For me, my motivation has changed over the past several years. It used to be many outside sources from my parents and other people.  Since I have come to college and now being in a classroom everyday, I realize what truly motivates me everyday. Knowing that I am helping others become educated and giving them the opportunity to further educate themselves really pushes me to do my very best everyday. I also want to do my very best everyday that I come to school. The old clique saying "giving your best effort is all anyone can ever ask for" has become my motivation and driving force to where I am today. I try my best to help as many students as I can and try to help them understand the material. It's that "ah-ha" moment of learning kids experience that motivates me to keep doing my best and know they are succeeding.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


This past week, I learned about a new website called Animoto. I was very intrigued with this website that Mrs. Harvey had introduced me to. After she showed me the video she had help create for Mrs. Gorst's class, I wanted to know more. Animoto is a website that allows you to upload pictures and add captions to a movie/slide show like presentation. There are several pre-made backgrounds and transitions that range from a Trip to New York to an old time movie reel. Animoto also allows the user to add music from the Animoto music library or from the user's iTunes library. Uploading and adding pictures to the videos are very user friendly. It is also very easy to add a caption to each picture that is uploaded. After uploading and previewing the creation, the user can produce the movie. The user can then share the Animoto with friends, on social media sites, and via email has never been easier. Please check out the one that I produced called Copy of Pi Day that I shared with the students to help celebrate Pi Day this past week.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Improved Homework

I know that many students are frustrated with the new homework policy that has taken place since the start of second semester. There has been a great improvement on the effort that students are showing on turning in their homework, as well as, the corrections they are making. I'm not sure if more students are asking other adults for help or utilizing the online homework help, but don't beat yourself up if you don't understand right away. Math is a subject where making mistakes is alright. It's not easily learned the more practice someone gets, the better they will become at it. Getting homework every night isn't to punish students or make their lives miserable, it's to help keep skills sharp and get each student more practice.

Many students have been turning in a lot of incomplete/missing homework assignments over the past several weeks. I know that making corrections can be frustrating and sometimes very difficult to make, however the benefit that a student gets after making these corrections is well worth the effort. Thank you to all of those who are taking the extra time, effort, and putting in the hard work to finish up these assignments!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Appealing to Different Learning Styles

Since I was helping out another teacher yesterday, I got filled in on a play that took part in Mr. Wittman's classroom. I've heard nothing but excellent things about the stories and events that come from the "Time Machine." From what I heard, it sounded like a very unique, one-of-a-kind learning experience that weaved a lot of historical information into it. After hearing all about this play and learning/teaching strategy, this made me reflect on some of the past lessons and future lessons that I have and will be teaching. It has inspired me to do more memorable things in the classroom. I know that if I were an 8th grade student and saw material being presented like this, I would remember it forever. I want to start creating those types of learning experiences as well. By having me stand up and the board or working out of the textbook can be very boring and unenthusiastic, I'm looking to the students to help enhance class.

I want students to come to me after lessons and give me ideas on how I could make the material more appealing to them. Whether this is an educational game, movie clip, using some type of objects, or many other ideas, I want to hear them! I want to be able to create as many learning experiences for future students and have them be engaged in math. Please help me create a more interactive learning environment!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What is a "cool" teacher?

About a week ago, I had a student come up to me and say "Mr. Franzowiak, you're a cool teacher." I was very delighted by this compliment and gracefully said "thank you." Over the past couple of days, I've been thinking about what really defines a "cool teacher." Is it the fact that I am a younger, college aged student-teacher? The fact that I am a little more laid back than other teachers? The fact that I do enjoy using technology? I don't feel that I am doing anything different than any other teacher. I look around at the teachers in Maplewood and see many teachers in my eyes who I define as "cool." They aren't the youngest or use the latest technology, but understand the true meaning of what it takes to be an effective educator and are willing to go above and beyond what is expected of them. I can't really define what it means to be a "cool" teacher. I'm just a regular student-teacher trying to improve my skill set and try to take in as much knowledge and advice as possible from established teachers.

As the semester continues, I hope the student's opinions about me don't change. I hope that students can realize that there are many other "cool" teachers in the building who have many more years of experience are just as "cool" as I am.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Review Preview

This week was definitely a crazy week and I would like to thank the students for giving me the opportunity to teach full time for part of the week. I learned a lot from this experience and took away many positives and negatives from it. I know that for some classes, having me up there teaching was very different. I would like to thank you all again for participating in class discussions, asking/answering questions, and staying focused while Mrs. Braun was gone for those couple of days. 

The students have recently been introduced to algebra tiles. Over the past week or so that students been using these tiles to create, set-up, and solve a variety of algebraic expressions. We talked briefly about different values of what “x” could possibly be for when we set-up our expressions. I like seeing the connections that the students are making from setting up the tiles and solving to writing the expressions and solving them on paper. The book uses these tiles throughout the rest of the year and I’m happy to see many students understand how to use them and to use them appropriately.

*Please note that there is a chapter test coming up next week. This test will cover proportions, the use of algebra tiles, and a few other ideas from chapter 4.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Homework and Pride Rally

This week was a busy week for our 7th grade class. We are finishing up talking about proportions and how we can create a proportions web, which include: a situation (words or scenario), a rule (equation), a table, and a graph. These ideas and problems have helped us to begin a discussion on what a constant rate is and what kind of specific characteristics a proportional graph/table should include. There was a homework assignment everyday this week. The students can find a VERY helpful homework tip on Mrs. Braun’s website. 

There was a school-wide pride rally on Friday afternoon. All of the band members did an outstanding job performing their schools to get the rally started. I would also like to congratulate those who were selected to be the VIP members of the pride rally. Nice job collecting those Jay Bucks and hope you enjoyed it! The dance/cheerleading team also did a very nice job in their performance. Just a reminder to all students that there is now Goodwill clothing drive going on school wide! Donate and change a life!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Feeling Welcomed

I have really been enjoying my time at Maplewood over the past two weeks. I’m learning a lot about all of the kids, as well as, getting to know most of the faculty. The students and the staff have been nothing but outstanding in welcoming me to the school. It’s great having students from other classes and grades come up to me and say “hello.” I would just like to say thank you to all who have made this a great start to my student teaching experience.

The students finished up all of their tests and we have started to move onto chapter 4, which involves proportions and expressions. Yesterday started to talk about what a scale factor (multiplier) is and how they can be used to shrink or enlarge a similar shape. We will continue this discussion and topic throughout next week.

Have a great rest of the weekend and enjoy Super Bowl Sunday!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Semester

We have just started the second semester of the school year. All of Mrs. Braun’s classes are under a new homework policy as well. The students were made aware of the changes to the homework on Monday during their class. The students have also been preparing to take their Chapter 3 test on Wednesday. The test will include dividing decimals, multiplying fractions (mixed numbers, improper fractions), order of operations, and a variety of math properties we have been talking about.

I want to wish all of the students the best of luck on the test and hope we can kick off the new semester off on the right foot!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

MAPS Testing

Over the past couple of days, the students have been doing a lot of practice with dividing decimals. They have learned several ways to figure out these types of problems through various techniques. It has been impressive to see how many of the students have caught on and have figured out their own way of solving these types of problems. The students also learned a few new properties. They have learned the associative and commutative properties. They will be working more with these properties in the upcoming chapters.

The students also had MAPS testing on Tuesday. I would like to say thank you to all of the students for their efforts on the test. It was great to see so many of them improving their scores and growing as mathematicians.

Keep up the good work!