Sunday, November 2, 2014


The past few weeks have been quite the emotional roller coaster. From considering to not buy a house, to making the decision to fully submerge myself into a career that truly inspires me…ACT style. I should be so grateful to have the opportunities this early in my life to be making such big decisions. Working with Ulrich everyday has inspired me to think differently and try to understand what students are going through everyday. One thing he has turned me to is listening to podcasts, specifically ones that change the way we think about life. Here are a few things that I’ve taken away from several of the podcasts that I’ve listen to..

1.       So often in life we are given an opportunity and forget to realize that every moment is a given moment and a new gift. There are so many moments in life that we don’t take full advantage of. I look back and wish that I would have taken advantage to everything that has been offered to me so far in life. I have passed up so many things that I feel as though I haven’t really lived up to the full potential. I believe that we don’t seize the moment because we are afraid of change. Everyone struggles with change, but yet, we come out growing and learning more than ever before.

2.       Ulrich has inspired me to firmly believe that everyone loves to learn. Although it does take some people a long time to truly find what it is they love to learn about, one thing we don’t learn about enough is ourselves. We don’t take enough time to stop and actually take advantage of those given moments. We try and fly through life without slowing down to enjoy the little things in life. We don’t take the time to fully grasp the ideas and bigger pictures of what life is truly about.

3.       I heard podcast about making mistakes and understand what it means to be vulnerable in life. It talked about how we have these ideas of what it means, but try to hide this characteristic. We, as a society, don’t allow other people to see those true, genuine moments of into our lives (eventually we do). I truly, truly believe that since we hide this, we don’t take advantage of those moments that have been given to us in life. We don’t take the risk necessary to grow as people. We build up our walls and don’t want them to be torn down, in fear of someone causing our world to collapse. We NEED to take those risks and opportunities to seize those given moments that have been given to us.

     These are only a few thoughts that I have taken away from over the weekend. I know these are not new ideas or concepts, but need to remind myself that stopping and seeing the bigger picture in life is what I need to do.

     Find a reason everyday to wake up and go get it. 

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