Monday, November 3, 2014

Do Work.

I have been inspired to write again tonight by some of the students that attend Menomonee Falls High School. Due to privacy reasons, I will not say their names or what hour they are in, but leave it to the open mind on which these students may be.

The conversations that I have had with students over the past several years have been memorable. There are a few students who have turned me onto motivational speaking to inspire them and myself when we need a little boost. One of the most memorable things I took away from one of these is now something that I live by. One line of a speech inspired me to live my life this way… “when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” This is definitely very powerful words, but there are a few students in my math classes that I see this effort come from them every day. When I see these students working hard, it reminds me that there are so many students who want to breathe, not only in math, but life outside of MFHS. When I see this drive and the determination, it motivates me to do more and to become a better teacher. When I am able to grade a test from one of those students who are giving maximum effort that makes all of my time and effort worth it. If I could find something to motivate all students everyday (other than using candy) I would feel more accomplished that giving all of my students A’s.

These students have (or are on the verge) of finding something within them that will motivate them to be successful in life. These students want to breathe I can only hope they can’t catch their breath later on in life.

I try my best to live by this motto in my life. Sometimes it doesn't always show and we all get tired, but whether it’s working at the high school or working at the fire house, I try to find a reason to get up everyday and go get what it will take to be successful. 

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