Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The best conversations are written down on napkins

Tonight I had the opportunity to expand my thoughts on what I think the true meaning of life is. I was able to sit down with 4 of the most important things any true man needs in order to achieve such a thought in a young,single man's life.    1. A random pen found under his car seat. 2. A giant napkin that was once used for holding his silverware. 3. A best friend (obvious one) 4. Chicken Fajita Quesidilla. 

After hearing about a man's life long ambitions and goals, I was able to spill my guts to him on what I truly want my life to be. He gave me several things to think about, several ideas, but most important someone everyone wants: an ear to listen. I listed off so many random thoughts and ideas, but was able to put them in a list, draw arrows like John Madden, and still make sense of it all. I able to see what it that I, Mr. Paul Franzowiak, want MY life to become. Although some things aren't possible right now and I will need time to figure out how to accomplish them, but I have some direction of where I want to go. It's my life and I need to get out of my comfort zone in order to grow. 

After 2 hours of finding the meaning of life... or my idea of it, I was able to come up with this thought: in my last blog post I talked about being stuck in the mud and am not sure where to go in life on somethings. I am still stuck on a few things, but there has become some clarity. I realize that there are some things in my life that I need to change, opinions that I shouldn't take to heart, and people in my life that I just need to cut out because they are just holding me down. I may never discover the true meaning on life, but until then, here's what I've come up with. The true meaning in life is to have as many meaningful conversations that change the way you view the world and realize what it is you truly want your life to become.

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