Sunday, March 22, 2015

Mud and I have something in Common

I love knowing the fact that after school when I walk outside, the sun will be shining. I can go for a walk, run, or even just enjoy the weather. This makes the days go by just a little bit better and inspires me to do more and better work. However, over the last couple of months, I seem to be stuck. I know that there are so many new ideas and techniques out there, but just find myself wanting to do other things. I try and work as hard as possible while I'm at school to get my work done, things planned for the next day, and then talk with co-workers about things going on in school. 

When it's time to pack up and leave, I normally find myself going to the gym to get a workout in and then come home and do the same thing night after night after night. Other colleagues tell me about all of the things they do at home and plan new and different activities. I just can't find myself wanting to do things. I'm not sure if this is part of my personality, I enjoy being home and doing things other than work, or am just simply want to relax. 

There is work that should be getting done and I know I should be utilizing my time better, but I just don't know how to get myself unstuck from this rut that I'm in. Hopefully more sunshine and nice weather brings about more inspiring work for me to challenge students with. 

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